The Long Island Aikikai is one of the oldest martial art schools in the country; with an over 50-year history of teaching martial arts on Long Island, New York. After the creation of the New York Aikikai, Edward Hagihara founded the Long Island Aikikai in 1964. Situated in a building dedicated to Asian martial art studies, the Long Island Aikikai is the place to practice for those interested in training in a peaceful and friendly environment. We are directly affiliated with Hombu Dojo in Japan, which is headed by Moriteru Ueshiba, the grandson of Aikido’s founder. Known for its high level instruction, the LI Aikikai has trained countless students over the years, many of whom have gone on open their own schools on Long Island and elsewhere throughout the world. See a partial listing on our resources page.
Our aim is to promote the physical and mental benefits of martial arts education on Long Island. At our Dojo, men, women, and children, of all ages, benefit from our high quality instruction in a facility dedicated to personal improvement. Offering classes in both the martial arts of Aikido and Iaido, the Long Island Aikikai provides a diverse set of instruction for martial arts enthusiasts. Whether you are interested in improving your health, having fun, or learning how to apply the principles if Aikido, the staff of the Long Island Aikikai are here to help you.
Being one of the oldest martial arts schools in the country, our students also benefit from our access to internationally acclaimed instructors. Over the years, we have had the honor of hosting seminars with many other high-ranking individuals such as Tohei Sensei, Chiba Sensei, and Sugano Sensei. For more information regarding our upcoming seminars please take a look at our events page.